
Beatrice de Graaf: ‘Radicale verlossing. Wat terroristen geloven’
On the 28th of April, prof. dr. Beatrice de Graaf presented her new book ‘Radicale verlossing, wat terroristen geloven’. Together with publisher Mai Spijkers from Prometheus, National Coordinator for Counterterrorism and Security Pieter-Jaap Aalbersberg, former director PI Vught Yola Wanders, lawyer André Seebregts and a student panel she has launched this book at bookstore Broese…
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Ozan Ozavci: ‘Dangerous Gifts. Imperialism, Security, and Civil Wars in the Levant, 1798-1864’
In July 2021 Ozan Ozavci’s new book ‘Dangerous Gifts. Imperialism, Security, and Civil Wars in the Levant, 1798-1864’ will be published. In this book Ozavci gives the first genealogical analysis of western interventionism in the Levant. He foregrounds the agency of non-western actors and embeds western interventions in the levant into the larger context…
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Chapter in ‘Jews, Liberalism, Antisemitism. A Global History’ by Ozan Ozavci
This month, Palgrave Macmillan published the book Jews, Liberalism, Antisemitism. A Global History external link. Dr Ozan Ozavci external link(History and Art History external link) contributed a chapter about Russian writer Vladimir Jabotinsky. Jews, liberalism, and antisemitism In the past, historians have mostly understood the relationship between Jews, liberalism and antisemitism as a European story, defined by the collapse…
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Ozan Ozavci to moderate TSN Spring Series seminars ‘Gulbenkian: Refugee, Oil Man or “Citizen of Nowhere”?’
On 25 March the Turkey Studies Network in the Low Countries external linklaunches its Spring Series seminars with a lecture by Dr Jonathan Conlin (University of Southampton) titled ‘Gulbenkian: Refugee, Oil Man or “Citizen of Nowhere”?’ about the extraordinary career of Calouste Gulbenkian. “Mr Five Per Cent” In 1955 in Lisbon, Calouste Gulbenkian died as the…
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Joep Schenk: ‘The Rhine and European Security in the Long Nineteenth Century. Making Lifelines from Frontlines’
While many will place the origins of the United Europe as a peace and prosperity project in the 1950s, Joep Schenk’s new book shows that the foundations of this project were laid much earlier, on February 2, 1815. On that day, 206 years ago this week, delegates from the four superpowers France, Prussia, the United…
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Conference: Beatrice de Graaf, Ozan Ozavci and Erik de Lange will be speakers at the Consortium on the Revolutionary Era, on the 27th of February 2021
Beatrice de Graaf, Ozan Ozavci and Erik de Lange will be speakers at the 2021 annual conference of the Consortium on the Revolutionary Era, 1750-1850. This conference will take place over Zoom, and will be spread out over five days: February 18-20 (Thursday through Saturday), and February 26-27 (Friday and Saturday). This interdisciplinary conference encourages scholars…
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Erik de Lange awarded the 2019 Consortium on the Revolutionary Era Charlie Crouch Graduate Student Paper Prize
Erik de Lange received this prize for his paper “No Security, Except in Destruction”: Transnational Threats, International Anxieties and the French Invasion of Algiers. The abstract of his paper: The French invasion of Ottoman Algiers in the summer of 1830, which started over a century of colonial rule in Algeria, ought to be understood within the…
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Conference Reports of ‘Cultures of Security. Transimperial Perspectives’ by Yannick Balk and Paul Kardoulakis
Yannick Balk and Paul Kardoulakis wrote two reports of the recent ERC-Conference ‘Cultures of Security. Transimperial Perspective’ (9-10 May). The first report was published by H-Soz-Kult. The other report was featured by
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Call for Papers: Cultures of Security in the Nineteenth Century. Transimperial Perspectives
On 9 and 10 May 2019 we will host the closing conference of the ERC-project Securing Europe, Fighting Its Enemies. The Making of a Security Culture in Europe and Beyond, 1815–1914 at Utrecht University. We are delighted to invite proposals for this closing event. The theme of the event is security cultures in the nineteenth century. We define…
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Beatrice de Graaf awarded with highest distinction in Dutch Academia (€2.5M)
Prof. Beatrice de Graaf(Professor of the History of International Relations) has received the prestigious Stevin Prize from the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO). The prize of 2.5 million euros is an individual award intended to foster knowledge transfer and serve as a token of appreciation in this regard. It is a reward for De…
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New volume on Shaping the International Relations of the Netherlands, 1815-2000
Joep Schenk, Erik de Lange, Beatrice de Graaf and Wouter Klem recently contributed to a new volume on Shaping the International Relations of the Netherlands. The volume is edited by Ruud van Dijk, Samuël Kruizinga, Vincent Kuitenbrouwer and Rimko van der Maar. The book seeks to launch a new research agenda for the historiography of Dutch…
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Review by Erik de Lange of J. Meeks – France, Britain, and the Mediterranean
Erik de Lange wrote a review of the newest book of Joshua Meeks: France, Britain and the Mediterranean. The review was featured by H-Soz-Kult. The book is a revision of Mooks’s dissertation and it provides a ‘refreshing take on the complicated, muddled beginnings of what we now call the Revolutionary Wars.’ The book aims to understand the…
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Conference Report on In-Between Empires: Trans-imperial History in a Global Age
Last September, Ozan Ozavci attended an international workshop in Berlin on Trans-imperial History in a Global Age. Seventeen scholars from twelve countries were invited to present their papers, divided into five different panels. The workshop was aimed at making an ‘intervention in recent Empire Studies’. Many scholars argued that ‘we cannot separate connections, competition and…
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Call for participation: Master Class Global perspectives on security history in the nineteenth century
With the generous support of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, Professor Beatrice de Graaf and Dr Ozan Ozavci organise a master class for PhD and Research MA students at the headquarters of the Royal Academy in Amsterdam on 27 September 2017. The topic of the master class is ‘Global Perspectives on Security…
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Academy Colloquium: Securing the World: Global Perspectives on Security History in the Nineteenth Century
With the generous support of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, our ERC research team organises an academy colloquium to be held at the headquarters of the Royal Academy in Amsterdam from 25-27 September 2017. In this colloquium, we aim to historicise security in the nineteenth century with a select group of invited speakers…
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Beatrice de Graaf elected as member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW)
Prof. Beatrice de Graaf, Principal Investigator of ERC SECURE, has been elected as new member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW). In the Netherlands, membership of the KNAW is a high honour to a scientist’s research. De Graaf holds the Chair of History of International Relations & Global Governance at Utrecht University, within…
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Beatrice de Graaf in NRC on present-day parallels with the nineteenth century
Can we understand the present better by looking into the past? In an interview with NRC Handelsblad, Beatrice de Graaf debated with two other Dutch historians (Martin Bossenbroek and Geerten Waling) on this important question. De Graaf argues – in line with the famous historian Johan Huizinga – that “for a whole generation, history has become…
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Beatrice de Graaf on new ERC plans in NRC Handelsblad
Beatrice de Graaf writes in NRC Handelsblad about her perspective on the New Year and draws a comparison with the turn of the year from 1816 to 1817. With the ERC research project halfway to the finish line she looks forward to the research of the next two years. The Column is available (in Dutch)…
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Beatrice de Graaf and George Dimitriu publish summer reading list on strategic narratives and war
Scholars are increasingly focusing on the non-physical aspects of war in order to explain ‘why big nations lose small wars’. One of the central arguments in the debate is that it is increasingly important to explain what success will look like to the local population, opponents, the international audience and the public at home, and to convince them of the official storyline.
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Article in ‘Tijdschrift voor Zeegeschiedenis’ by Joep Schenk
Joep Schenk recently published a new article in the Dutch journal ‘Tijdschrift voor Zeegeschiedenis‘ (Journal for Naval History), titled ‘War-time opportunities. Rhine sailors versus the Coal-trading union, 1914-1918’. Abstract: During the First World War the British economic blockade squeezed off transit via the Netherlands to Germany. Consequently, unemployed Rhine skippers flooded the Dutch inland shipping market and freight…
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New volume on Terrorism Trials, edited by Beatrice de Graaf and Alex P. Schmid
In their new book Terrorists on Trial: A Performative Perspective, editors Prof. Dr Beatrice de Graaf and Prof. Dr Alex P. Schmid present a performative perspective on terrorism trials, drawing attention to the mechanisms and effects of these trials in and outside the courtroom. Trial and theatre This volume views terrorism trials as a form of theatre, where…
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Interview with Joep Schenk on the Rhine commission in ‘Nieuwsblad Transport’
Joep Schenk was interviewed by Nieuwsblad Transport on the Rhine Commission (Central Commission for Navigation of the Rhine, CCNR) and its contribution to the creation of a European security culture in the nineteenth century. The article was published in issue 19, volume 29 (2016), pp. 16-17.
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Article by Beatrice de Graaf on reintegration of jihadist ex-convicts
A special issue on radicalisation and terrorism of the journal Justitiële verkenningen (Judicial explorations, no.2, 2016) explores the attractiveness of IS to (islamic) European yougsters and the apocalyptic nature of IS ideology. In their chaper ‘After the release: Observations and dilemmas in dealing with (former) detainees with a jihadist background’, Beatrice de Graaf and Daan Weggemans explore how to deal…
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Ozan Ozavci gives keynote speech at NISIS Network Day
On Friday 27 May 2016, the fourth annual NISIS Islamic Studies Network day will be held at Leiden University. This year’s theme is: ‘War in Syria: dynamics, and the consequences for Europe’. The Islamic Studies Network Day is part of the NISIS Training programme. Ozan Ozavci gives his keynote speech from 09.45 – 10.15 hours. During…
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European Council on Foreign Relations interviews Beatrice de Graaf (podcast)
ECFR’s director Mark Leonard speaks with Beatrice de Graaf, Professor of History of International Relations at Utrecht University, Michiel van Hulten, one of the leaders of the Dutch yes-campaign, and Dick Oosting, CEO of ECFR, about the Dutch referendum and its results. You can listen to the podcast by clicking here.
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Erik de Lange discusses First Barbary War on national news radio
In the 7 February 2016 broadcast of the daily Dutch news radio show ‘Met Het Oog Op Morgen’ (Radio 1) PhD candidate Erik de Lange was interviewed on the First Barbary War (1801-1805). He discussed the recent bestseller Thomas Jefferson and the Tripoli Pirates and critically reflected on the author’s comparisons between the nineteenth and twenty-first century….
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Lecture “Finding the Terrorist” by Beatrice de Graaf at UCLA
On 18 February 2016 Beatrice de Graaf is invited to the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) by the department of Dutch Studies to give the Van Tilburg Lecture at the Centre for Dutch Studies. Her lecture is titled: “Finding the terrorist. The never ending search for the radical profile”. Abstract Since the time of Napoleon, practices…
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Erik de Lange discusses American piracy bestseller on national radio
On 24 January PhD candidate Erik de Lange was interviewed during the Dutch radio show ‘Onvoltooid Verleden Tijd’, which is broadcasted weekly on Radio 1. He discussed the recent bestseller Thomas Jefferson and the Tripoli Pirates (also featured in his latest blog) and critically reflected on the book’s rather non-historical treatment of piracy as a…
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Barons and Tycoons of the Rhine: Joep Schenk’s Dissertation Available Online
On November 19, 2015 Joep Schenk successfully defended his PhD thesis ‘Port Barons and Ruhr Tycoons : the origins of an interdependent relationship between Rotterdam and the Ruhr area 1870-1914’. The dissertation (in Dutch) is now available online:
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WRR Lecture ‘Europe in Crisis’, with Mark Mazower, Beatrice de Graaf and Ernst Hirsch Ballin available online
On December 3, 2015 Mark Mazower (Professor of History, Columbia University) presented a lecture at the WRR in The Hague, In this lecture, he explored the current European crisis from a historical perspective with a view to the future. Prof. Beatrice de Graaf (Utrecht University, History of International Relations) presented a comment to Mazowers work from the…
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