ERC Securing Europe, Fighting its enemies, 1815-1914


Article by Beatrice de Graaf on reintegration of jihadist ex-convicts

Justitiele verkenningenA special issue on radicalisation and terrorism of the journal Justitiële verkenningen (Judicial explorations, no.2, 2016) explores the attractiveness of IS to (islamic) European yougsters and the apocalyptic nature of IS ideology.

In their chaper ‘After the release: Observations and dilemmas in dealing with (former) detainees with a jihadist background’, Beatrice de Graaf and Daan Weggemans explore how to deal with jihadist prisoners, and the factors that contribute to a succesfull reintegration in society.

Justitiële verkenningen (Judicial explorations) is published six times a year by the Research and Documentation Centre of the Dutch Ministry of Security and Justice in cooperation with Boom juridisch. The fulltext of this journal is available in Dutch. Summaries are also available in English.