
Book Launch Strategic Narratives at NATO Headquarters (podcast onine)
The edited volume Strategic Narratives, Public Opinion and War: Winning domestic support for the war at home (Routledge 2015) explores the way governments endeavoured to build and maintain public support for the war in Afghanistan, combining new insights on the effects of strategic narratives with an exhaustive series of case studies. The volume is edited by…
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Beatrice de Graaf opened academic year at Erasmus University with lecture on the role of the scientist
In a context of accelerating, institutional, intellectual and moral uncertainties, what role does the scientist play? What role ought he to play, and how can politics and institutional settings facilitate this role? Prof. Beatrice de Graaf explored these questions in her guest lecture at the opening of the academic year at Erasmus University Rotterdam, on 31…
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Ozan Ozavci, Opposition to Authoritarianism (Turkish Studies)
This article discusses the establishment, ideology and actions of the Liberal International and its Turkish group the Society for the Dissemination of Free Ideas (SDFI). The SDFI was the first liberal civil society in Turkey. To this date, little attention has been paid to its actions and ideology. Taking the history of the SDFI as…
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Beatrice de Graaf, Second-tier Diplomacy (Journal of Modern European History)
This article supplements Anglo- or Prussian dominated readings of the Vienna Conference by focusing more on its beginnings, on alternative scenarios of a Dutch-German union and on the process of diplomatic bargaining by secondary agents. Based on new archival material, German-Dutch cooperation in Vienna is traced and placed in a wider context. Vienna did not…
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Conference Reviews “Vienna 1815” conference
Wouter Klem published two reviews of the conference “Vienna 1815: The making of a European security culture”. During this conference, the existence of a European security culture was identified and outlined, and the added value of studying international relations, diplomacy and collective (security) enterprises in joint cooperation with detailed historical empirical research was demonstrated. The…
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Conference ‘Vienna 1815: The Making of a European Security Culture’
The Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) and the Dutch Young Academy have organised a major international conference on the Congress of Vienna from 5-7 November 2014 in Amsterdam. The conference was an initiative of Prof. Beatrice de Graaf (Utrecht University) and opened with a public event at the National Archives in The Hague: 1814-1914-2014: Lessons…
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Prestigous ERC Consolidator Grant for historical research on European security policy
Prof. Beatrice de Graaf has been awarded a grant of 1.9 million euros from the European Research Council (ERC) to fund her historical research on European security policy. The Consolidator Grant is a prestigious grant created to advance the work of promising researchers. De Graaf’s project, titled ‘SECURE. Securing Europe, fighting its enemies 1815-1914’, will…
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