Author Archive: Erik de Lange
Sightings. Mediterranean Surveillance and its Imperial Precedents
The Mediterranean Sea has been and still is under steady surveillance. In the past, as now, the main questions are: who is watching? And for which purpose?
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The ‘melancholy transaction’. Judging slavery and piracy in 1817
Laws can check security policies and stop function creep. A historical case on slave trading shows how limits were drawn, but not without difficulty.
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The Plague on Board. Algiers and the American Sanitary Ban of 1818
As the plague raged in Algiers in 1818, US consul William Shaler proposed sanitary measures of exclusion. His plans reflect a recurrent policy wish.
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Secure Remembrance. 9/11 Fifteen Years On
With 11 September 2001 being fifteen years ago, we ought to rethink the way we commemorate 9/11 and be considerate of its wider repercussions.
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Security for Sale! On Selling What Cannot be Bought
Outsourcing security is becoming common practice and the private security sector is growing. But is private security new? And can security even be bought?
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A Fox News Anchor and the Amazon Pirates
The marketing of the recently published Thomas Jefferson and the Tripoli Pirates indicates the dangers and pitfalls of drawing easy security analogies from history to the present.
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About This Blog
The Utrecht School of Historicizing Security Blog discusses current-day security concerns through a historical framework. Present sentiments of insecurity, perceptions of terrorist threats, and contemporary security measures should be historicized.
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Menacing Tides. The European fight against maritime threats and the securing of the Mediterranean, 1815-1856
By Erik de Lange MA – This sub-project is concerned with the fight against piracy and privateering. De Lange inquiries into the rise and dynamics of an international historical security regime specifically geared towards the pursuit of security at sea. Being part of the larger security culture that emerged with the 1815 Congress of Vienna, the maritime…
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